Events and Latest News from Old World Gluten-Free!

(See our scheduled Demos/Sales Below)

**Interested in part-time employment? Please contact our office for availability and information.**

Did you know:  We use LIFEWAY PRO-BIOTIC FARMER CHEESE, which is 98% LACTOSE-FREE?

Did you know: SWEET POTATOES are a good source of mag­nesium, which is the RELAXATION and ANTI-STRESS mineral?

We Now Have The Following Gluten-free Pierogi In Stock:

  • Potato & Cheddar Cheese
  • Sweet Farmer Cheese
  • Sauerkraut & Mushroom
  • Savory Sweet Potato
  • Farmer Cheese & Green Onion
  • Vegan Potato & Dill


Thank you Dr. Frank McGeorge for the wonderful report on Celiac Disease & for featuring Old World Gluten-Free, LLC on your Good Health Reports Thursday March 13th, 2014 during the 6:00pm news!! WDIV - NBC

Check out our Facebook page to get current updates about Old World Gluten-Free's products and business ventures, at

***Did you know that Old World Gluten-Free, LLC won a "Product Placement Award" with Westborn Market? Visit our Facebook page and see a picture of it. They could not believe that our pierogi were actually gluten-free! ***

***Did you know, that per the "MAYO CLINIC", bacteria used in the culturing process of the cheeses and butter we use in our gluten-free pierogi , naturally produce the enzymes that break down lactose...making it easy on the digestive system and virtually lactose free for those who are sensitive!***

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